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  • 草特化细胞在控制气孔关闭和植物蒸腾方面的作用

    美国PP SYSTEMS公司将于美国东部时间2024313日上午11点邀请美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校生物学系Dr. Facette和Le Liu为全球用户做题为“Roles of specialized cells in grasses to control stomatal closure and plant transpiration”的学术报告,有意者可访问美国PP SYSTEMS公司官网https://ppsystems.com/webinars/注册报名参加。

    Stomata are small pores on the leaf surface of land plants that facilitate gas exchange. Grass stomata have fast stomatal responses, which may be associated with the dumbbell-shaped guard cells and lateral subsidiary cells. Subsidiary cells are thought to reciprocally exchange water and ions with guard cells. However, the relative contribution of subsidiary cells and the mechanisms of how they contribute are unclear. In this study, Le Liu and Michelle Facette measured the stomatal conductance and photosynthesis of plants to prove the necessary role of subsidiary cells to the guard cells.

    About Dr. Facette

    Michelle Facette is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is interested in how stomata function, and how they are made. She is particularly interested in the fast movements of grass stomata, and the cellular processes that lead to the divisions that form specialized cell types, in stomata and other tissues like roots. More about research can be seen at facettelab.weebly.com

    (Shown left to right) Le Liu, Dr. Michelle Facette.

    About Le Liu

    Le Liu is a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in Michelle Facette’s lab at UMass, Amherst. Her research interests primarily focus on understanding the mechanisms governing the rapid response of stomata in grass. She maintains a longstanding dedication to applying innovative techniques aimed at enhancing plant resistance and overall improvement.

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